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Next innovative step for tourist comfort with the Naftalan City Executive Power initiative

14 February 2020 | 16:00

The decrees signed by President Ilham Aliyev, the reforms carried out in Naftalan and the implementation of the tasks set are the basis for the restoration of Naftalan's former glory as a resort city and its development in a new context. On the initiative of Naftalan Mayor Vugar Novruzov, with the support of Gozel Naftalan LLC, another new project was launched to ensure the satisfaction of tourists - the first pilot project in Azerbaijan, Naftalan 24/7, without a seller. Today, favorable conditions have been created in Naftalan for the development of tourism and the comfort of tourists. At present, extensive landscaping and construction of modern sanatoriums is underway in the city. Naftalan has become an international tourism center. In 2019, the number of tourists visiting Naftalan increased compared to previous years and reached 40,000. 40% of them are foreign tourists. This statistic is the highest in the years of independence. Along with the work done, parallel measures are taken to ensure the comfort of tourists and solve problems that may concern them, and innovative steps are taken for the convenience of tourists.
   Although such projects already exist in several countries abroad, they are being implemented in Naftalan for the first time in Azerbaijan. The opening of the Naftalan 24/7 seller-free store will be interesting for both locals and foreign tourists, will gain popularity among them, will be a new step and a new concept for our people in trade. The store sells up to 20 basic consumer goods that tourists need the most. Naftalan ointment LLC's toothpastes, creams, oils, shampoos, soaps and other products are also on sale. The store is expected to operate for a long time and open in several places in Naftalan in the future.

