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An event was held in Naftalan on the occasion of "February 2 - Youth Day"

01 February 2020 | 16:00

An event was organized by the Naftalan City Executive Power, the YAP Naftalan City Organization and the city Youth and Sports Department on the occasion of "February 2 - Youth Day". The event was attended by the head of the Naftalan City Executive Power Vugar Novruzov, employees of the Office of the Head of the Executive Power, intellectuals, active youth working in the field of education, health, culture, sports and representatives of the city community. Participants of the event first visited the monument to the Great Leader in the park named after National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Then the participants viewed photo stands reflecting different periods of the Great Leader's life and activity at the Heydar Aliyev Center. Speaking at the event at the Heydar Aliyev Center, chairman of the Naftalan city branch of the New Azerbaijan Party Hatem Gojayev declared the event open and the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played. Speaking at the event, the head of the Naftalan City Executive Power congratulated the youth on the significant day and wished them success for the prosperity of Azerbaijan. The chief executive noted that today the proper upbringing of the young generation plays an important role in the country's policy. As a result of the successful continuation by President Ilham Aliyev of the state youth policy founded by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, today the youth of Azerbaijan are justifying themselves in all areas.
   The mayor noted that the Azerbaijani youth is distinguished by its active activity in all spheres and the important role of youth in the implementation of political, economic, humanitarian and social events.
   Elman Sharafkhanov, Deputy Head of the Youth and Sports Department of Naftalan, and Aykhan Asgarov, Chairman of the Youth Union of the Naftalan City Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, spoke about the history of Youth Day, the foundation of state youth policy and the success of youth policy.
   Then, the head of the Naftalan City Executive Power awarded diplomas and gifts to the teenagers who succeeded in sports competitions. Also, a group of young people were awarded diplomas and gifts by the YAP Naftalan city organization for their active participation in the activities of the Youth Union.

