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Warning of the Bureau of Hydrometeorological forecasts

06 October 2023 | 16:23

From October 08 to 09 in the daytime, south-west wind will intensify to 15-20 m/s, occasionally to 23-28 m/s, from 09 to 10 in the morning, north-west wind will intensify to 15-20 m/s, occasionally to 23-28 m/s, in some places to 30-35 m/s.

Starting from the northern and western regions on the evening of October 09 until the evening of October 10, intermittent rain is expected in some places. In some places (Balakan-Sheki, Guba-Gusar, Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, Central Aran, mountainous-Shirvan, Nakhchivan AR, Lankaran-Astara) precipitation is likely to be heavy, lightning, hail, and snow in mountainous areas.

The temperature will drop by 5-10°C compared to previous days.
